#382 - Why 80% Isn’t Good Enough in Love—You Deserve More
The world of information
Why is so much relationship advice leaving people feeling unfulfilled? There’s a lot of information available about what to look for in a relationship. Some of it is good…very good. But so much of it is really bad. This advice comes from all over the spectrum, from coaches and counselors, to pastors, friends and family.
The saddest thing about all this is that most of these “advisors” are telling you to settle and that you can’t have everything you want. One pastor I recently heard speak, said he believed that you should only expect to find about 80% of what you really want in your relationship and marriage. AND…you should be happy with that!
While you might think that 80% sounds reasonable, it begs the question, “what are you willing to give up just to be in a relationship?” It means settling for a subpar relationship. That means it’s going to make trying to keep a marriage together just that much harder.
When you take time to find your soul mate, there’s NO compromise. There is no settling. You find what you’re looking for or you move on. It’s that simple. When you do that, you set yourself up for such extraordinary success and happiness that you’ll instinctively know why it was so important to wait.
Why you should never settle in love.
The truth is, no matter how picky you think you might be, your soul mate will bring so much more to the table than you ever imagined. They’ll enhance your life in ways that are inconceivable to you at this point.
Studies show that most people quit on themselves just before they are about to find the success they are looking for. This includes dating, relationships, and marriage. You will NEVER find the love of your life if you settle for someone that’s OKAY or worse yet, give up looking completely because your self-talk has convinced you that you’re chasing an impossible dream.
The key to finding your soul mate.
Your dream of a lifetime of love is not impossible. It may be difficult to find, but all the best things in life require effort. The more effort required, the greater the reward at the end. Your soul mate is out there. And the best part…they’re out there looking for you!
The only way to lose is to give up looking. If you’ve already given up or are at the point of wanting to quit your search, let me challenge you. What great accomplishments in this world have even been easy?
Your struggle will change you and either make you bitter or it’ll make you better. Beware of bitterness, you know…the idea that dating should be easier. Or the problem with dating is always the opposite sex! Or, the problem is that everyone online is out to scam you or take advantage of you.
When you take these global views of dating and relationships, you’re telling yourself that things can never get better. And guess who you’re going to believe? It certainly isn’t me!
The question I have for you then is “Do you know how to have and accept joy in your life or is it so foreign because of past hurts that it’s elusive and you believe you can never really have it in a relationship?”
As I said earlier, your soul mate is out there looking for you. Are you ready to stop settling and start finding the love you deserve? Schedule your Discovery Call to see of personal coaching is right for you. Click Here to Schedule.
Happy Dating.