
Love for a Lifetime

#263 - Dating is for the emotionally healthy breaking up communication connection dating serial monogamist starting over

Dating and relationships would be so much easier if we all were emotionally healthy when we...

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#262 - It's not them, it's you! communication connection dating self worth starting over toxic relationships

Really, it’s not them, it’s you!
Almost everyone that I talk to has had a bad...

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#258 - Dating, as with life, is about taking risks connection courage dating fear self worth

Whether you realize it or not, everything you do in life has some risk involved. Just getting out...

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#257 - Are you drawing people toward you or driving them away? communication connection dating hygiene respect

Are you attracting people or are you driving them away?
My original intent for this blog today...

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#256 - Are you attracting people toward you or pushing them away? communication connection dating hygiene respect toxic relationships

Are you attracting people or are you turning them off?
My original intent for this blog today was...

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#241 - We're designed for connection to other people communication connection dating loneliness respect self worth starting over

We’re designed for connection!

Our need for connection to other people, not just...

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#376 – Does jealousy get the best of you in your relationships? communication connection self worth toxic relationships

Have you ever watched a couple have a meltdown in public because of jealousy? It can be a really...

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