
Love for a Lifetime

#381 - You can hear but you don’t have to listen. communication dating intentionally

You can hear but you don’t have to listen! This is a simple truth about communication. How...

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#347 - Does jealousy get the best of you in your relationships? communication connection self worth toxic relationships

Have you ever watched a couple have a meltdown in public because of jealousy? It can be a really...

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#337 - Truth: Can you handle it? communication respect self worth

Merriam-Webster defines truth as:
1 – the body of real things, events, and facts: ACTUALITY...

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#333 - Wait! Why is your unhappiness my fault? communication courage

Have you ever walked away from a friendship or relationship because it wasn’t healthy for...

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#325 - Don't let age become your enemy communication connection dating four cornerstone of great relationships

In the past 5 ½ years since my dad has passed, I’ve become much more acutely aware...

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#319 - Are you being true to yourself? breaking up communication dating relationships

When we’re interested in someone and think they could be the one, it seems that we’ll...

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#318 - Check your attitude before you date! communication connection dating

I had an interesting experience yesterday. I made a “connection” on an online dating...

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#313 - Technology dependence and the dating paradox communication dating

One of my biggest pet peeves is the use of technology on a date. It takes no effort at all to...

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#311 - Beliefs vs reality communication dating

The definition of a belief is “an acceptance that a statement is true or that something...

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#306 - Would you talk to your friends the way you talk to yourself? communication connection dating positive attitude

If you’re anything like the people that responded to that question on my Facebook page, the...

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#303 - Feeling overwhelmed with dating today? communication relationships starting over

How do you start to date in today’s world of crazy?
This is a question I get frequently. It...

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#301 - I'm dreaming of a white Christmas blessings communication dating love traditions

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas

It’s Christmas Eve and the Christmas holiday is...

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