
#209 - Nothing says I don't trust you like interrogation date!

One of the hardest dates to go on is the interrogation date. This is, without a doubt, the date from...

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#208 - Some personal thoughts about dating and relaitonships

So much of any relationship comes down to your ability to communicate effectively. However, even wit...

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#207 - How do you deal with a guy that's self centered and boring?

One of my favorite activities is to sit and watch people interact. I’ve been blessed to host a large...

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#206 - Good dates are a dime a dozen... or at least they can be

One of the biggest complaints I hear from both men and women is that all the good ones are taken. I’...

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#205 - Let life, and those around you, teach you lessons.

This has been an interesting week. As I sit here and look back, I’ve had several good conversations....

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#204 - When it's time to start over, where do you begin?

Over the past few weeks I’ve met several of you that have told me you’re just getting back into the ...

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#203 - That mystical, mythical land called "the friend zone"

We’ve all experienced it! You meet someone, you seem to get along and have a great time together. Yo...

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#202 - Attachments are hard to break

When you break up with someone, whether you’re doing the breaking up or someone is breaking up with ...

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#201 - Breaking up is hard to do. Part 2

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Breaking up is hard to do especially when you didn’t see it coming. Last week I...

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#200 - Breaking up is hard to do!

That’s the title of a song made famous by Neil Sedaka back in 1966. It’s also a reality about dating...

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#199 - No tricks, no schemes, no magic, just common sense

Over the past several weeks I’ve been doing research for my new digital course that will be availabl...

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#197 - It's a wonderful life

Last night I watched one of my favorite Christmas movies, It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s a feel-good mo...

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