
Love for a Lifetime

#279 - Jealousy and other dumb stuff we do to kill a relationship communication dating four cornerstone of great relationships

Have you ever watched a couple have a meltdown in public because of jealousy? It can be a really...

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#278 - Focused dating vs serendipity connection dating four cornerstone of great relationships starting over

Recently I was having a conversation with someone about the importance of making and having a...

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#277 - Life is all about connecting with other people! communication connection dating respect self worth

Time is precious and isn’t something that should be squandered. It’s the one thing...

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#276 - Online dating apps are tools, not a magic wand! dating online dating

Online dating isn’t for me! Online dating is scary. Have you looked at the profiles online?...

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#275 - Does age really make a difference when dating? dating relationshiips traditions values and morals

Have you ever wondered at what the attraction is for two people who are significantly different...

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#274 - Should I stay or should I go? connection dating four cornerstone of great relationships must have list relationships

When emotions take hold of you, they can hijack your brain! All common sense can go right out the...

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#273 - How a broken heart can help you move on to someone better breaking up dating self worth starting over toxic relationships

Have you ever been blindsided by a breakup and then spent months looking back? You languish in...

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#272 - 8 people you should never date communication connection dating relationships self worth serial monogamist

Do you ever wonder why dating can be so hard at times? I’ve discovered than a lot of our...

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#271 - How many dating rules do you have? communication dating toxic relationships trust

Have you ever tried to date someone, they said they were interested, and yet kept holding you at...

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#270 - There are some harsh realities to dating. Here are a couple communication dating relationships self worth toxic relationships

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to see the realities of a flawed relationship until...

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#269 - Finding your soul mate may be as easy as closing your eyes! communication connection dating self worth

Have you ever watched the Olympics, X Games, or other sporting events and thought how...

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#268 - Dating, as with life, is about taking risks connection courage dating fear self worth

Whether you realize it or not, everything you do in life has some risk involved. Just getting out...

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